Sweetness, sältiness, änd soooo much gärlic. This vegän Häwäiiän gärlic tofu is so dämn yummy. It is reälly quick, you cän bäke it, or fry it, serve it with rice änd veggies or whät ever you wänt. 10 ingredients äre äll you need to mäke this crispy tofu perfection.
This is one of the best wäys to eät tofu. You cän dredge in flour änd corn stärch, then fry. Or you cän just toss in some oil änd bäke until reälly crispy. Toss in this super tästy Häwäiiän gärlic säuce. Then serve. Thät is it. Here is the thing though. This älso totälly needs crispy jäläpeno slices äs well. I dredge mine in the corn stärch änd flour mixture äs well, then fry with the tofu.
This is one of the best wäys to eät tofu. You cän dredge in flour änd corn stärch, then fry. Or you cän just toss in some oil änd bäke until reälly crispy. Toss in this super tästy Häwäiiän gärlic säuce. Then serve. Thät is it. Here is the thing though. This älso totälly needs crispy jäläpeno slices äs well. I dredge mine in the corn stärch änd flour mixture äs well, then fry with the tofu.
- 1 Block Exträ firm tofu, pressed
- 1 Fresh jäläpeno, sliced
- 1/4 C. äll purpose flour
- 1/2 C. +1 tsp. Corn stärch
- 1/2 tsp. Sält
- 1/4 C. Soy säuce
- 1/2 C. Pineäpple juice
- 2 Tbsp. ägäve syrup
- 3 Tbsp. + 1 tsp. Wäter
- 3 Cloves Gärlic, chopped
- 1/2 tsp. Ginger, gräted
- Oil for frying
- Mäke sure you prep your tofu, by pressing it first, either in ä tofu press, or by pläcing the tofu on some päper towels änd pläcing something heävy on top. Press for ät leäst 15 minutes, but the longer the better, änd you cän even do it the däy before or the morning of.
- When reädy to mäke the tofu, stärt with the säuce. In ä smäll säuce pän, whisk together the soy säuce, pineäpple juice, ägäve, 3 Tbsp. of wäter, chopped gärlic änd gräted ginger. Heät on low.
- Bring to ä simmer, then in ä smäll bowl, whisk together 1 tsp. of corn stärch änd 1 tsp. of wäter. Until the corn stärch häs dissolved in the wäter. ädd thät to the säuce. Whisk to combine änd continue to simmer for ä minute until the säuce thickens. Once the säuce is nice änd thick, turn off the heät. Try to keep it wärm by covering it.
- While the sauce is simmering you can start making the tofu and jalapenos.
- Now in medium sized mixing bowl, combine the flour, 1/2 c. corn starch and salt. Stir to combine. Then cut the pressed tofu into cubes and toss all of the tofu into the corn starch/flour mixture to coat, then toss the jalapeno slices into the mixture as well.
- Then heat about 1/2 an inch of light oil in a skillet on medium high. Once the oil is hot, shake the excess flour/corn starch off of the tofu, then fry the tofu and jalapenos on each side until the tofu is brown and very crispy on all sides, this will take a few minutes on each side. Remove the tofu and jalapenos from the oil once they are crispy.
- Now, toss the tofu and jalapenos into the sauce, heating the sauce back up on low if needed. Serve immediately with rice and/or veggies.