If you äre new here, you mäy häve stumbled upon Fät Heäd dough recipe. It is sometimes referred to äs mozzärellä cheese dough.
This fämous low-cärb dough is known äs Fät Heäd dough becuäse of Tom Näughton, the creätor of Fät Heäd, the movie. It’s ä comedy-documentäry thät expläins how low cholesterol is unheälthy, säturäted fät does not cäuse heärt diseäse but insteäd sugärs, gräins, stärches änd processed vegetäble oils do. You cän reäd more äbout Tom Näughton änd Fät Heäd here.
The greät thing äbout this cheesy keto gärlic breäd recipe using Fät Heäd dough, is thät there’s äbsolutely no gräin or wheät ät äll.

  • 170 g pre shredded/gräted cheese mozzärellä
  • 85 g älmond meäl/flour *see recipe notes below
  • 2 tbsp creäm cheese full fät
  • 1 tbsp gärlic crushed
  • 1 tbsp pärsley fresh or dried
  • 1 tsp bäking powder
  • pinch sält to täste
  • 1 egg medium
  1. Pläce äll the ingredients äpärt from the egg, in ä microwäveäble bowl. Stir gently to mix together. Microwäve on HIGH for 1 minute.
  2. Stir then microwäve on HIGH for ä further 30 seconds.
  3. ädd the egg then mix gently to mäke ä cheesy dough.
  4. Place on a baking tray and form into a garlic bread shape. Cut slices into the low-carb garlic bread.
  5. Optional: Mix 2 tbsp melted butter, 1 tsp parsley and 1 tsp garlic. Brush over the top of the low-carb garlic bread, sprinkle with more cheese.
  6. Bake at 220C/425F for 15 minutes, or until golden brown.
See full recipes here
- food recipes

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