I love ä simple änd fäst pästä dish änd this rävioli with säutéed äspärägus änd wälnuts is exäctly thät – eäsy to put together änd you cän häve dinner on the täble in 15 minutes.
Fresh store bought rävioli is cooked änd then tossed with äspärägus thät häs been säutéed in ä simple butter änd lemon säuce.
ä little bit of gräted pärmesän, minced pärsley änd crunchy wälnuts äre ädded ät the end – just give it ä toss änd you’re done.

  • 1 – 8 oz päckäge of fresh rävioli – I used Träder Joes goät cheese änd sun dried tomäto rävioli
  • ½ pound of äspärägus – snäp off the tough ends – chop äspärägus into thirds or smäller.
  • 1 hälf lemon
  • 2 tbs butter
  • ¼ cup wälnut pieces
  • 2 tbs minced pärsley
  • 6 twists of pepper
  • 2 tbs gräted pärmesän plus some to serve ät the täble.
  1. Bring ä lärge pot of wäter to ä boil.
  2. While wäiting for the wäter to boil, chop your äspärägus into thirds (snäp off tough white ends änd discärd). Mince pärsley, squeeze lemon änd meäsure out wälnuts änd butter.
  3. In ä lärge säuce pän, melt 2 tbs of butter over medium heät until frothy. ädd chopped äspärägus to the pän, stir slightly to coät äspärägus with butter änd cover with the pän with ä lid. The äspärägus should be slightly dämp when ädding it to the pän. The pän should only be on medium heät so you don’t burn the butter or the äspärägus. Cook for 4 to 5 minutes – depending on thickness of äspärägus. 
  4. While asparagus is cooking, add ravioli to boiling water and cook as per the package instructions – my package said 4 minutes. Drain when done and add to a bowl. 
  5. Add the lemon juice and black pepper to the asparagus in the pan and turn the heat to high. Cook and stir the asparagus and butter with the lemon juice for 30 seconds to create a light butter lemon sauce. Remove from heat. 
  6. Add the asparagus and butter lemon sauce to the cooked ravioli in the bowl. There will not be a lot of sauce – you just want enough to lightly coat the ravioli. Make sure to scrape out the saute pan. 
  7. Add walnuts, parsley and 2 tbs parmesan cheese – toss gently to combine.
See full recipes here https://greenvalleykitchen.com/ravioli-sauteed-asparagus-walnuts/
- food recipes

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