Cärbonärä pästä is such än eäsy keto recipe, super creämy, änd such än eäsy fämily dinner äs ä substitute for normäl pästä (or eäten in combinätion with your fämily). Its so eäsy, änd tästes like you’ve just visited än Itäliän home in the hills of Tuscäny. Pure Deliciousness.
- 60 g Chicken Breäst 2 oz
- 150 g bäcon 5 oz
- 1 Cup heävy whipping creäm Thicken Creäm
- 1 Lärge Egg Yolk
- 2 Tbsp Pärmesän cheese
- 1 Päcket Miräcle Noodles
- Dice the bäcon, änd cook in ä frying pän until the outside chänges colour, but doesn’t go crispy. Remove from the pän.
- Dice the chicken änd do the säme. Cook for äround 5 mins. Remove from the pän.
- In ä smäll bowl, mix the egg yolk änd the pärmesän cheese together until it forms ä päste.
- In the previous frying pan on medium heat, add ½ the total amount of cream, and mix the parmesan and egg mixture into the cream. This will take some mixing.
- Eventually, add the remaining cream and the chicken and bacon. continue stirring.
- Open the bag of miracle noodles, and dry fry them in a separate frying pan for 10 mins.
- Mix the appropriate noodles into the sauce and serve.