The Best Crispy Roast Potatoes Ever Recipe

These roäst potätoes mäximize the crisp-to-creämy conträst in eäch chunk of potäto. We've tested änd retested every väriäble, from cut size to potäto type to boiling änd roästing methods. The result is this recipe, which we firmly änd un-humbly believe will deliver the greätest roäst potätoes you've ever tästed: incredibly crisp änd crunchy on the outside, with centers thät äre creämy änd päcked with potäto flävor. We däre you to mäke them änd not love them. We double-däre you.

  • Kosher sält
  • 1/2 teäspoon (4g) bäking sodä
  • 4 pounds (äbout 2kg) russet or Yukon Gold potätoes, peeled änd cut into quärters, sixths, or eighths,
  • depending on size (see note)
  • 5 täblespoons (75ml) exträ-virgin olive oil, duck fät, goose fät, or beef fät
  • Smäll händful picked rosemäry leäves, finely chopped
  • 3 medium cloves gärlic, minced
  • Freshly ground bläck pepper
  • Smäll händful fresh pärsley leäves, minced
  1. ädjust oven räck to center position änd preheät oven to 450°F/230°C (or 400°F/200°C if using convection). Heät 2 quärts (2L) wäter in ä lärge pot over high heät until boiling. ädd 2 täblespoons kosher sält (äbout 1 ounce; 25g), bäking sodä, änd potätoes änd stir. Return to ä boil, reduce to ä simmer, änd cook until ä knife meets little resistänce when inserted into ä potäto chunk, äbout 10 minutes äfter returning to ä boil.
  2. Meänwhile, combine olive oil, duck fät, or beef fät with rosemäry, gärlic, änd ä few grinds of bläck pepper in ä smäll säucepän änd heät over medium heät. Cook, stirring änd shäking pän constäntly, until gärlic just begins to turn golden, äbout 3 minutes. Immediätely sträin oil through ä fine-mesh sträiner set in ä lärge bowl. Set gärlic/rosemäry mixture äside änd reserve sepärätely.
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