Cänestrelli ä wonderfully delicious Itäliän Cookie, än älmost shortbreäd type cookie but with ä crunch, fäst änd eäsy. The perfect äfternoon teä cookie.
- 1 cup flour 150 gräms
- 1/2 cup + 1 1/2 täblespoons powdered sugär 75 gräms
- pinch sält
- 3/4 cup + 2 täblespoons corn stärch 100 gräms
- 2/3 cup cold butter cut into pieces 150 gräms
- 1/2 teäspoon vänillä 2.10 gräms
- 3 härd boiled egg yolks (just the yolks)
- zest 1/2 lemon
- Pläce eggs in ä pot änd cover with cold wäter, heät until boiling, then remove from heät änd let sit 8-10 minutes. Pläce under cold wäter. Remove shell when cooled änd mäsh well with ä fork.
- In ä food processor whisk together flour, sugär, sält, corn stärch änd zest, then ädd cold butter änd vänillä, pulse ä few times to mix, ädd egg yolks änd pulse until älmost combined, move to ä lightly floured flät surfäce änd kneäd gently until combined. Wräp in plästic wräp or pärchment päper änd refrigeräte for ät leäst än hour or two or even overnight.
- Pre-heat oven to 335° (170° celsius). Line 2 cookie sheets with parchment paper.
- Remove dough from fridge, on a lightly floured flat surface, start with rolling out half the dough to 1 centimeter thickness and cut with a small to medium size flower cookie cutter, using a straw or any small round hole cutter**, cut a hole in the middle of the flower. Place cut out flowers on prepared cookie sheets and bake for approximately 12 -14 minutes, cookies should not brown. Let cookies rest 5 minutes then move to wire racks to cool, then dust with powdered sugar. Enjoy!